Texas Medication Error Attorneys

Any time that a person is given the wrong medication, or they’re given the correct medication but in the wrong dosage, the effects can be devastating. However, the consequences of a medication error on an elderly individual can be even more severe, as these people often rely more heavily on their medications to remain healthy. Similarly, they are less likely to be able to recover quickly from a medication error. As the Texas medication error lawyers at Hotze Runkle PLLC know, nursing home workers in particular make damaging medication errors all too often.

Whether a worker was overworked, confused, or simply careless, if your loved one was harmed because of a medication error in a nursing home, it is essential that you take legal action. Not only can doing so help you secure compensation and justice for this horrible incident—it can also shed light on dangerous nursing home conditions and prevent other incidents like this from happening.

Common Examples of Medication Errors

You trusted your loved one’s health to the care of a nursing home facility. If this trust was misplaced and your loved one suffered harm because of a medication error, our experienced and compassionate team of Texas nursing home abuse lawyers is ready to help you take action. We have years of experience helping people just like you in cases involving medication errors related to:

  • Incorrect Dosage
  • Wrong Medication
  • Missed or Delayed Dosage
  • Dangerous Drug Interactions

Because pharmaceuticals are so important to some individuals’ health, even one missed dose or one encounter with the wrong medication could have devastating effects on the well-being of a nursing home resident. If your loved one suffered because of the inexcusable negligence of nursing home staff, take action today.

Contact a Texas Nursing Home Medication Error Lawyer

Residents in Texas nursing homes should be provided with the high-level of care that they deserve. When nursing home staff fails in this regard and life-threatening medication errors occur, they need to be held accountable. If you or your loved one has suffered because of a medication error in a nursing home or other assisted-living facility, let the dedicated team of Texas medication error lawyers at Hotze Runkle PLLC fight for you. Call our Texas legal team today at (877) 919-0830 to get started.